Masa-il Usul al-Fiqh allati tasluhu ta-silan li...

Al-Ikhlaas fi al-Qu'ran al-Karim - Foreword by...

Aqidah issues related to Children

Dogmatical issues related to the Holy Koran - 2...

Al-Ihtijaj bi al-Ijma' 'ala Masail Usul ad-Din...

A lot of confusion has occurred among those who indulge carelessly in the notion of Takfir, claiming that some Muslims fall into polytheism in their worship. They, therefore, declared them to be infidels, assuming that they had devoted worship to other than Allah, which results in the corruption of their belief in the Monotheism of Divinity, the evidence of the testimony of the Truth “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.”
This immoderation in Takfir (Islamic ruling that annuls a person’s faith) has drawn the woes upon Muslims that we are witnessing in the present era at the hands of extremist terrorist groups that have violated blood, honour and money, destroyed states, and divided the word of Muslims, disbanding their group, and making them hostile to one another. It turned them into failed and weak states and an easy booty for external enemies.
Therefore, it was necessary to respond to the immoderation of those extremists in this section, while carrying out the religious duty for the country and for the Muslims.
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