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إرشاد العدول لحل ألفاظ نهاية السول - د. كاملة الكواري
Irshad al-Udul li Hal Alfadh Nihayat As-Sul by Dr Kamila Al-Kawari.
Minhaj Al-Wusul by Al-Baydawi is a well-known text that has numerous commentaries, among which is Al-Asnawi's "Nihayat As-Sul," which is heavily relied upon in Islamic legal institutions and studies of Usul. In this book, Kamila Al-Kawari aimed to simplify Nihayat As-Sul for beginners.
The researcher examined the various commentaries on Al-Minhaj and the annotations of Nihayat Al-Sul, which she mentioned in the introduction. She then approached the commentary by explaining the terminology, clarifying the expressions, elucidating obscure points, and mentioning what other commentators had noted regarding Al-Asnawi's work. She also elaborated on Al-Asnawi's objections to Al-Baydawi while simplifying the language and explaining the meanings. She added side headings for different topics to make the reading easier.
Data sheet
- Title
- إرشاد العدول لحل ألفاظ نهاية السول
- Author
- د. كاملة الكواري
- Volumes
- 3
- Pages
- 1868
- Edition
- دار ابن حزم
- Cover
- Hard
- Volumes
- 3
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
- Print Quality
- Premium Quality
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