Ta'liq wa Tatamim 'ala Furuq wa Taqasim (Sa'di) - AbdelMuhsin az-Zamil
التعليق والتتميم على الفروق والتقاسيم - عبد المحسن عبد الله الزامل
"Al-Furuq wa Al-Taqasim" by Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Nasser Al-Saadi is a significant fiqh book that discusses the distinctions and categorizations in Islamic jurisprudence according to the Hanbali school of thought. The full title is "Al-Usool wa Al-Qawa'id Al-Jami'ah wa Al-Furooq wa Al-Taqaaseem Al-Naafi'ah". The book covers the principles and rules of fiqh, which are the general rules upon which fiqh rulings are based, in addition to the distinctions and categorizations in Islamic jurisprudence, which are the categories into which fiqh rulings are divided, with their explanation and clarification.
This explanation of Shaykh AbdulMuhsin Al Zamil covers the second part of Ibn Sa’di’s book, al-Furuq wa at-Taqasim.
This explanation is published in a gorgeous Saudi edition.
Data sheet
- Title
- التعليق والتتميم على الفروق والتقاسيم
- Author
- عبد المحسن عبد الله الزامل
- Pages
- 590
- Edition
- دار الركائز
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
- Print Quality
- Premium Quality ++
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